How can we create something that bridges the gap between people's preconceptions without destroying existing concepts?
The Shetland wool tweed material does not destroy this concept, leaving behind an afterimage that gives a sense of déjà vu, but expressing something new that has never been seen, touched, or worn before. It's an attempt.
"Shetland wool tweed jacket"
I'm sure many people will have a concrete image in their head just by hearing this word. The texture of the material and the country are so clear that it is one of the signature items of traditional fashion.
The jacket has a solid feel and is literally heavy.
While its weight is one of the reasons why it continues to be left behind and worn for generations, it is also true that it is difficult to match with modern lifestyles. While taking advantage of the simple yet strong texture unique to Shetland wool and the characteristics of the yarn containing a lot of oil, we aim to create a sweet weave that is light and soft to wear. The purple wild silk running on its surface brings a visual change to the rustic tweed with a dull luster, while also playing an important role in preventing the sweetly woven fabric from slipping and increasing its strength.

A tweed jacket may seem ordinary on the outside, but once you put it on, your preconceptions will be betrayed in a good way, and new values will emerge. Rather than being bound by the images given to things by the names given to them or the preconceived notions brought about by the context of commonly spoken information, we recognize the value of things only when we actually see them with our own eyes, hear with our ears, and touch them with our own skin. There is always. I believe that the accumulation of these experiences creates a strong and certain subjectivity, and creates space within oneself to accept new things.
Even though I thought so, it didn't take long for me to realize that I had actually fallen into the trap of this preconception. The material name is ``Shetland wool,'' the fabric name is ``tweed,'' and the color name is ``khaki brown.'' Is there consistency in what is created in front of them, and does the name accurately express the thing? That's the kind of thinking I was thinking about.
What you see and feel changes depending on where you focus.
I aim to create something that bridges the gap between my own preconceptions.